Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Dinner Time

Monday, March 30, 2009
Dragons At the Pond

These are very common in Missouri and I often see them at our goldfish pond in the summer months. They tend to be territorial and I see them frequently chase others away as they seek mates. They are graceful hunters and I love to watch them catch their food. They grab insects right out of the sky, sometimes eating on the wing (giving a whole new meaning to fast food) and sometimes landing and consuming it while they rest on a leaf or branch.Top Left: is a Blue-Faced Meadowhawk, Top Right: White-Faced Meadowhawk, Middle Left: Blue Dasher, Middle Right: Widow Skimmer, Third Row Left: Eastern Pondhawk, Third Row Right: 12-Spotted Skimmer Bottom Right: 12-Spotted Skimmer.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Bizzy Buzzy Bees

Then many years later my husband purchased a motorcycle. While out driving one hot summer day, shirt partially unbuttoned and looking all cool for the ladies, a bumble bee went down his shirt. It began stinging him over and over in the chest. Now picture this.....he was trying to impress the girls with his hot studdly self, riding this hot studdly motorcycle. Suddenly it turned into a comedy routine for the girls and a horror story for him, as he tried to keep the bike steady while being stung and trying to get the bee out of his shirt. He said after about 6 stings he finally smashed it! Poor hubby! So I guess I can sympathize with his dislike of these fuzzy little pollinators. He seems to have created a truce of sorts with the bees, he gives them a wide berth and they ignore him. It is a true working relationship...as long as he stays of the motorcycle.
Friday, March 27, 2009
A Tiger with Spots?

This gorgeous Tiger Moth is the "Great Leopard Moth" (Hypercompe scribonia) They are one of the largest of the Tiger Moths. They have very distinct coloring. An all white moth with large ringed spots in black, the back of the head features two beautiful blue spots. They have blue antennae, and their abdomen is beautifully marked with orange and blue spotting. The caterpillar is one of the infamous "Woolly Bears" that are often seen in the fall, in the case of this moth the caterpillar is all black with reddish skin. They will overwinter as a caterpillar and become active again in the spring with the return of warmer temperatures like other "woolly bears". They seek out their host which include a large variety of plants, such as cherry, dandelion, plantain, violet
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Fall Visitors

This little Tachinid Fly (right) was busy hovering about some late blooming flowers last October. In this image he looks so much like he is bowing with his front "hands" outstretched that it made me smile. Perhaps he is paying homage to the "Lord of Flies"
I know he was merely cleaning his face, probably washing off the pollen that had collected there. The warm sun had many species of flies such as the Brightly Colored Tachinid Fly (pictured right) out that day as well as a few butterflies, like this Painted Lady (above right). These tachinid flies and flower flies are some of my favorites. Their color variations and their human friendly habits make them an enjoyable species to have in the garden.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Loss of Oak Trees in Missouri linked to "Long-Horned" Beetle

I came across this article while browsing and found it interesting. I thought I would share it. It still amazes me how something so small in large numbers can cause so much damage. This photo belongs to Don Cadle and was taken from bugguide.net
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. - Today the trees of the Ozark Mountains look lush and green, but over the next few months brown, bare patches will develop among the trees-an indication of a small insect that may be responsible for killing an estimated $1 billion worth of timber in Arkansas and Missouri. This insect may also cause long-term change the vegetative landscape of the Ozarks. University of Arkansas researchers are collaborating with the U.S. Forest Service and other agencies to study the life cycle, distribution and abundance of the red oak borer, a middle-sized nocturnal brown "long-horned" beetle native to the Ozarks. The beetle lived in relative obscurity until 1999, when USFS officials noticed a large number of dying oaks near Clarksville. They took a close look and found a possible culprit-an increased number of red oak borers. "In a very short period of time, for unknown reasons, the red oak borer population has reached a remarkably high density," said Fred Stephen, University Professor of entomology. The red oak borers have a two-year life cycle, spent mostly as larvae that bore into the heartwood of the host oaks. The larvae carve out galleries in the wood-chewing through layers of rings in the middle of the tree and creating small holes. Most of the time, the oaks mount a defense that successfully combats the larvae. But the dramatic increase in larval density-from an average three or four to a tree to 30 or 40 in a tree-has led to the deaths of tens of thousands of trees. "It turns the trees into Swiss cheese," Stephen said. Because of the insect's two-year life cycle, Stephen and his colleagues anticipate that the visible evidence of damage done to oaks will be worse this year than last year. Aerial photographs will show large swaths of brown snaking through the green of healthy trees. In the past, the beetles have preyed on less healthy specimens: Trees that are old or stressed from lack of water, trees with root disease or trees living in poor soil. In these cases, the borers usually delivered the final "coup de grace" that killed the tree. Most scientists believe that the advanced age and density of the oaks, the drought stress of the last several years, combined with diseases and secondary insects, have created an "oak decline" event that has weakened trees to the point that red oak borer can easily kill them. In a cut oak forest, sprouts from cut oaks will grow into new trees, but the stumps of borer-killed trees will not produce sprouts. If the red oak borers continue to decimate the Ozarks oak population, they could completely change the make-up of the Ozarks landscape, creating a forest dominated by shade-tolerant understory trees, such as maple and ash trees. This may affect not only the plants and animals that currently live in the Ozarks, but also neotropical migratory birds that use the Ozarks as a stopping point along their flight path. Stephen and researchers at the University's Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies (CAST) plan to map the infested areas this summer using Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and satellite imagery. Using information from CAST, the researchers can gather information about the amount of chlorophyll in a given area, the slope, aspect, vegetation type, soil type and location of ridges and valleys relative to the infestation of a given area. The USFS will send crews to measure forest density, individual tree diameter and vegetative composition in certain areas to corroborate satellite data. They also will use data from previous years to track the borer's spread and to create maps that show high-risk areas so land owners can make informed decisions about their oak trees.
Contact: Fred Stephen, University Professor, entomology, (479) 575-3404, fstephen@uark.edu, Melissa Blouin, science and research communications manager, (479) 575-5555, blouin@uark.edu
Crabs among the Flowers

These lovely little spiders are among my favorites. Their coloration i

Monday, March 23, 2009
Toothbrush in the Woods?

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Bill opens Gates to Malaria Research
Bill Gates leaves some mosquitoes in Long Beach
Bill Gates made headlines (lots of headlines with puns) today when he let loose mosquitoes a the Techology Entertainment Design (TED) conference in Long Beach.
The Microsoft founder apparently startled some in the audience, who were quickly reassured he was making a point about the spread of malaria.
"Malaria is spread by mosquitoes," he explained. More from AFP:
"I brought some. Here I'll let them roam around. There is no reason only poor people should be infected." Gates waited a minute or so before assuring the audience the liberated insects were malaria-free. TED curator Chris Anderson fired back at the legendary computer software maker, joking that the headline for the video of his talk to be posted online at Ted.com would be "Gates releases more bugs into the world."
A sample of the headlines that followed: "Crowd buzzing after Bill Gates mosquito stunt." "Gates releases mosquitoes to bug people about malaria."
Monday, March 16, 2009
The Ladybug Project

Cornell University is hosting a Citizen Science project entitled "The Ladybug Project" They are asking for people of all ages and photographic skills to take pictures and submit them. They want images of all the lady beetle species you come across. They will use these photographs to document the numbers of individual specimens within each species. As many of you know our native species are in drastic decline due to the introduction of many non-native species (often referred to as exotics). One such species is the Multi-Colored Asian Lady Beetle that I just recently blogged about. Check out this website http://treadwell.cce.cornell.edu/ladybeetles/
for directions on how to participate. This would be a great spring and summer project for families with children and nature lovers in general. Much information needs to be gathered to determine the long term effect that these non-native species will have on our environments. Aiding in projects like these is a wonderful way to feel apart of something important. Thank you Marvin for letting me in on this worth while project, it is a fantastic way for me to tie in my love of photography as well as my love on insects and turn it into something useful.
Asian Invasion

The Multi-Colored Asian Ladybird Beetle (a big name for such a little beetle). What these little beetles lack in size they more than make up for in sheer numbers. In the 1800's some enterprising citizens brought these beetles over from Asia to help control Aphid populations in green houses and nurseries. This plan worked well until some of these lovely little ladybugs escaped their confinements and set out for greener pastures. The habitats they encountered suited them quite nicely and they have taken to their new home with a vengence. In fact it is near to impossible to find a native species these days. These ladybugs come in many different shades of red, orange and reddish-orange. In the west there are some that are black. They have a tendancy to bite and give off a musky odor. Nothing like our sweet native ladybird beetles. In the fall it is common to see these ladybugs in large numbers in warm sunny areas. Presumably they are congregating in massive numbers to hibernate the long cold winter months in groups. Look for them in February and March as they come out of hiding on warmer days. They have become a symbol of fall for me, and even though they are not native and they are usurping our own lovely ladies I still can't help but carry a fondness for them in my heart.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Flower Fly

These pretty little flies are commonly seen throughout the summer months. They visit various flowers seeking nectar. Their eyes seem over-sized for their overall body size. Their bodies are banded with dark brown and yellow very much like a bee which they resemble and are often mistaken for. Bees have two sets of wings whereas flies only have one set. They are in the Syriphidae family in the order Diptera(flies). Look for them in July and August in your flower gardens.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
mantid update
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Clean-Up Crew

This beetle is the Red-Lined Carrion Beetle. Many of us are not familiar with carrion beetles, but we should give them tremendous consideration. Carrion beetles provide us with a great service. They are natures clean-up crew. There are many different species of carrion beetles, and each has a specialized service they perform. Some will feed directly on the decaying flesh of a corpse, still others feed on the maggots of flies that are present on the corpse. Either way they are aiding us by decomposing the rotting flesh of animal matter, or ridding us of many flies that plague us on hot summer days. Admittedly it is not the most pleasant work they carry out, crawling under putrid flesh in search of ones meal is anything but appetizing to us humans, but it works for them. Thankfully so!