Monday, October 14, 2024

Halloween--Spider Season

Banded Garden Spider
Halloween is the time of year for tricks or treats and frights of all kinds. For many of us with arachnophobia, spiders are a fright no matter what time of year it is.

However, in autumn it often seems like we are under siege by diminutive 8-legged creatures. Everywhere you look there they are! There is a reason for this. The spiders have been around all year in miniature form; therefore we don’t notice them. The tiny spiderlings spend all season growing, and by September and October they are large and much more visible. When we also factor in that they are looking for places to spend the winter, like our homes, we are much more likely to run across one.

Where does this fear come from? Are we born with it? Experts say no, so why are we afraid? It comes from many factors in our lives. Maybe your Aunt Bessie feared them and taught you the same fear, or perhaps your grandpa Joe thought they were all dangerous and passed his sage wisdom onto you, and now you carry the same misguided idea. was from all those cheesy movies you couldn't resist watching. Whatever the cause, it is a fear that can become all consuming and create anxiety attacks in those afflicted which such a terror inducing phobia.

Burrowing Spider
The film industry has created an unreasonable fear of anything 8-legged, furry and creepy. While I do agree spiders are not exactly cuddly, they are far from the evil masterminds that perpetrate all sorts of woes against mankind. In fact, the opposite is true, spiders should be considered a friend to humans. They are insect eating machines and have devised all sorts of unique ways for capturing nuisance bugs. Many spiders build easily recognized webs that often hang from the eaves of our homes, or perhaps from the plants in our gardens. Walking into one of these webs as you stroll around your yard or hike a beautiful trail, will turn you into a kung-fu champion as you invent moves never before seen to shake an unseen, eight-legged invader you are convinced is now attached to your person.

Other spiders stalk their prey, much like a cat stalks a mouse. Pouncing on their victim at the last possible second and subduing them with great speed and dexterity. Still other spiders build "trap doors" in the ground and pull their victim into their lair to meet an untimely death.

With over 300 species of spiders living in Missouri, there is no shortage of encounters to be had. Especially in autumn before the first freeze arrives, you will see them, in what seems like, everywhere. Spiders come well-equipped for hunting, most species possess eight eyes, giving them incredible eyesight (at least within a reasonable distance). There are a few species, such as the brown recluse, that only have six eyes, but this does not deter them in the slightest where hunting is concerned.  Nearly all spiders have a venom cocktail unique to them and can deliver their toxic brew through fangs which are often much larger than would seem necessary for the job.  Most, but not all, spider venom is harmless to humans. The venom is only deadly if you are a six or eight-legged creature destined to be dinner for one of these master hunters. In fact, most spiders have fangs too weak to bite through human skin. Some of the larger spiders would be capable of biting us, but rarely do unless mishandled.

Brown Recluse
Black Widow






                                                                               There are two spider species in Missouri that may have medically significant consequences to humans, should you be bitten. Brown Recluses have been given a bad rap for many years. Yes, they do possess venom that can potentially be harmful to humans and may cause necroses (skin rotting).  If left untreated, these wounds can become infected and cause a life-threatening situation. This would be in EXTREME CASES! Most recluse bites go unnoticed by people, their fangs are so sharp that the bite is generally not felt. Venom typically causes skin irritation and itching at the sight of the bite, and nothing more. On average, about 10 % of the cases, a severe reaction will occur, and medical treatment will be required. The bite itself is not fatal, unless you happen to be incredibly allergic to the proteins in their venom. It is the secondary infections from leaving the bite untreated that could result in death. If they are in your home, or somewhere you do not want them to be, try to relocate them outside far away from their original location. One key to identifying these spiders is the "violin" shape on the back of the head. It is this unique marking that earned them the nickname Fiddle Spider.

Missouri is home to three species of black widows, and the female of each species has a highly toxic venom.  Black widows are very secretive and prefer to avoid humans, even though they tend to build messy little webs in the rafters or corners of buildings, basements, cellars, and other man-made structures. You will also find them under rocks, in wood piles, even in the holes in golf course greens. The bite from one of these spiders can be a nasty experience. It is said that their venom is ounce-for-ounce more toxic than a rattlesnake. I know of no deaths that have occurred in Missouri as a result from a bite of one of these glossy black beauties, but I've heard tales of many painful encounters.

The poison of the black widow spider affects nervous system function. The bite causes severe pain in the vicinity of the bite, accompanied later by dizziness, nausea, blurred vision and breathing difficulty. A physician should be contacted immediately. Death is not likely to occur unless you have an anaphylactic reaction to the venom. Black widows rarely leave their web, preferring instead to let food come to them. Bites typically occur when coming into direct contact with the web or pinning the spider against your body. Black widows are predominantly a nocturnal species and will rarely be seen during the day, unless you happen to turn over a rock or log and find one. 


Wolf Spider

I remember when I was a small girl my grandfather found a very large spider in his basement. He had no idea what the spider was, so he took it to the local college and asked a biology professor to identify it. The professor informed my grandfather it was a harmless wolf spider and that he should place it back in the basement and let it do what they do best, eat bugs. Dutifully, my grandpa returned home, and quietly retreated to the basement and secretly let this spider go. Winking at me, he said, "this will be our little secret". Knowing full well if my grandma got wind of a spider the size of a silver dollar living in the basement, he would never have clean clothes to wear again. I figure my grandpa had the right idea. So, all of you borderline arachnophobes out there; try not to buy into what the movie producers what you to believe. No giant flesh-eating monster spiders are going to attack you while you sleep. You are safe. For now.


Trapdoor Spider

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