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If sufficiently startled, they are capable of jumping three to four feet in the air. This explains why we see so many dead along the roadways as we travel south. I remember several years ago while camping at Truman State Park I was driving to the bath house when up ahead I spotted an armadillo in the headlights. As I got closer, the sudden appearance of my car scared him and he jumped straight into the air, front legs extended upwards as if he was the victim of a holdup. It was without a doubt one of the funniest things I have ever witnessed out of a wild animal. This behavior certainly seems counterproductive to survival.
Originally from South America, they began their expansion north into Central America, and eventually North America during the Great American Interchange. Approximately 2.7 million years ago the volcanic Isthmus of Panama rose up creating a land bridge. This formation allowed animals from both North and South America to make large migrations in either direction. By the late 1800’s they crossed the border of Mexico into Texas via the Rio Grande. Armadillos have two special adaptations which allow them to cross bodies of water. They may inflate their lungs and intestines and float to their destination, or maybe they are in the mood for a stroll, and they will submerge themselves and walk along the bottom of the riverbed. With the ability to hold their breath for up to six minutes you can easily see how they navigate rivers and move into new locations. It is believed developing the ability to hold their breath for such a long period of time was developed as an adaptation to allow them to keep their snouts submerged in soil for extended periods of foraging. By 1995 they were well established in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and Florida. Although the population in Florida was purposefully introduced and did not happen by natural expansion. 2005 found their range expanded even further into Kansas, Missouri, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Kentucky.
Today their range continues to expand and sightings as far north as Virginia have been reported. In our own state of Missouri, it was believed they would not extend their range beyond the southern portion of our state. We now know this is not the case, as more and more sightings are being reported North of the Missouri river, including one recently spotted along the 102 River in Andrew County. With climate change drastically altering our weather patterns and creating warmer winters, the armadillo is finding it favorable to continue their northward journey and soon may be a common sight locally. Now it is a commonly held belief they may reach as far north as Ohio. This will be quite a feat for an animal that was said to not be able to expand beyond Texas and was originally adapted to warm humid weather conditions. Most likely their range will not extend too far west as the Great Plains and other areas out west tend to be dry and often experience harsher winters. They are prone to heat and water loss in cold, dry climates, therefore survival would be difficult. However, never say never.Opinions about the armadillo moving northward into new territories is often met with a mixed bag of emotion. Many feel they will be an interesting and fun animal to observe (I am in this corner), but the opposing side does not agree. Armadillos can be destructive in their habits. Capable of digging fairly large burrows as well as excavating your lawn with their long schnoz looking for their favorite foods. They can very quickly cause unsightly holes throughout your yard. Mild root damage to some plants may also occur as a result of their digging and rooting. Classified as insectivores, armadillos are known to feed on nearly 500 different foods, predominately invertebrates. Lacking good eyesight and hearing, they use their exceptionally well-developed sense of smell to locate invertebrates living as much as eight inches underground. Their favorites being termites, ants, and grubs. They have been observed rolling around on ant mounds to dislodge them. When the ants come charging out to defend the colony, they are instead devoured by a hungry armadillo using a sticky tongue, much like an anteater. A lesser portion of their diet is made up of small mammals, bird eggs and even carrion. As disgusting as it sounds, most likely they are after the maggots present on the carcass, rather than the carcass itself. Occasionally they will feed on fungi, tubers, and fruits.
Armadillos have one of the most unusual reproductive processes. They mate in summer, but the female will delay fertilization for three to four months to ensure the young will be born in a more favorable season. Gestation lasts four months. Here is where it gets interesting. The female will produce a single egg, which is divided into four and then fertilized, resulting in identical quadruplets. The pups remain in the burrow for three months before venturing out to follow their mom on foraging trips. At between six and twelve months of age they leave their mother and live life on their own. Armadillos are capable of living up to 20 years and may reach lengths up to forty-two inches, including the tail and weigh as much as 15 pounds with a record weight recorded at 23 pounds.
Because they nearly always have four identical pups, for many decades they have been used in human reproductive research. Scientists studying reproduction and multiple births find these animals invaluable to their work. Since each baby is an identical image of its siblings researchers administering medications to them are able to study the effects of the medication, knowing that the results will be from the medication alone and not any variations in the genes of the armadillos. They have also proved invaluable in the study of Hansen’s disease (leprosy), as they are one of the few animals capable of carrying the disease, with humans being a close second. Although leprosy has all but disappeared in our country, it continues to be an issue in poorer countries around the globe. Fortunately, no one in Missouri has ever died from an armadillo spreading the disease, but caution should always be used if you find yourself in the position of needing to handle one. Wear gloves.This amazing, unusual, and arguably odd animal is well established in its range and expanding at an exponential rate. Soon we may be observing the armadillo in our own backyards excavating burrows and digging for insects. The little armored one, is a shy, unassuming, laid-back member of the animal kingdom with huge benefit to humans in the medical field and helps to control the damage many insects can and do cause. Learning to live with them may benefit us more than hinder us.
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Near Branson, Missouri |
Source for photos:
Picture #1
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